With all due respect, no Arab/Palestinian/Muslim (and do not confuse that Palestinians are actually Arabs and where they came from) none of them wanted to live next to Jews even before there was the Balfour declaration, before there was the State of Israel, they did not want live next to Jews although they sold them land in Palestine. Please don't confuse the fact that they had many, many opportunities to create a Palestine self determined state. And let us not forget that Hitler did the dirty work for the Mufti of Jerusalem who was the catalyst to Hitler's Final Solution. They knew Jews were coming back to Palestine in droves. They knew they wanted to build a new/old homeland for he Jews. They knew they had to prevent it from happening. Please don't compare Nazi "concentration/death camps" to Gaza an "open air prison". Every man, woman, child in Gaza or anywhere in Palestine - the country that never was, can choose to go be a free Israeli citizen, to be free to live by the laws of Israel.How convenient that Netenyahu is accused of war crimes and corruption at this time in history. Yeah all Israelis know what happens in the West Bank in Gaza and they live every day knowing that these people raise their children to hate and kill Jews. Please enough with the martyrdom for poor, disenfranchised Gazans who voted in Hamas in 2007 after Israel gave them back more land in 2005 and yanked Israelis from there kicking and screaming. What happens to all the money sent to Gaza for humanitarian aid and to build infrastructure? It goes in Hamas leaders pockets and they sit back in Qatar. They don't give a shit about their disenfranchised Palestinians but go to Israel when they need medical treatment. Disputed territory my ass. We were kicked out of our land, we came to claim it back. They had it for millennia and did absolutely nothing with it. Then the Jews came back and made the desert bloom and they decided now they want it back. Do you know what they do when Israel has ever given them back land with homes, hotels on the beach? They destroy it. No one is perfect so Netenyahu is not perfect. But he stands up for innocent civilians slaughtered. Babies put in an oven, beheaded, cut out of their mother's womb and murdered, random civilians killed, women raped until bloody and paraded through the streets of Gaza. Children taken as hostages after witnessing their parents killed in front of them. This cannot be excused under any circumstances. At the end of the day, stop making excuses for October 7th. There is no way to justify it.