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Member-only story

Overcoming Writers Block, Make Your Voice Heard

Alla Kaplan/writer


Nothing To Say And Everything To Say

Can’t think of anything to write about? It doesn’t matter, just write!

Been away for a minute but I’m back with a vengeance. I could rap about anything. I could write you a poem about anything. I have anything and everything on my mind. The politics of politics. The hypocrisy of hypocrisy.

Can we be honest? The world is a crazy, fucked up place. Yeah, I said fucked up. It’s not that I have a lack of vocabulary as some would say because I curse. It’s just the best way to describe the world we live in. The aliens probably said “Fuck that planet, leave that alone”. That’s what I would say if I was from another planet and landed here. “Oh hell no we’re not fucking with that planet, they can’t get their shit together”

I loved George Carlin. He was a genius. He told the truth and never held back. The church, the government, religion. He covered it all. The truth of it is there will always be war because it’s big business. There will always be a government trying to control you. There will always be religion trying to control you. Schools and churches are filled with hypocrites. Comedians and rappers are the best commentators in our society. Tell it like it is!



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