Let me give my humble opinion here. First off, let me say that we don't know if the numbers of civilians is correct in Gaza. They may be greatly exaggerated. Secondly, Israel is not isolating itself from the international community as it has always been isolated from the international community because it is the only Jewish state in the world.Yes, Hamas incited Israel into this war, it was planned for decades. Let me say that again. This attack was planned for decades. Thirdly I will say, the Palestinians elected Hamas who has clearly and often declared their goal it to murder every Jew on earth. Every two-state solution ever offered has been declined. They will not accept Israel as a nation and let me remind you that Palestine is NOT a sovereign nation and has no president or prime minister but only leaders who live off the humanitarian aid that should be going to the people. If you ask most Palestinians what to do with Israel and the Jews, they will say go back to where you came from and they indoctrinate their children from diapers with a knife or gun in their hand to kill Jews. I will quote Golda Meir "You can't negotiate with an enemy that comes to kill you". Only Israel is held to double standards. Let\s also not forget that Hamas is still holding hostages and most likely they have already killed them all and refusing to return their bodies to Israel. So, please don't compare this to 9/11. Because Israel has always been alone, even with the backing of the U.S. who probably doesn't ever want the wars to stop for they would lose so many military contracts from Israel. This goes back thousands of years. They refuse to accept the Jew's right to exist ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. And the apathy that has taken the world by repeating how the Palestinians are victims and turning the tables on the victims of October 7th is disgusting. But we're used to being kicked while we're down. The world can only pity a defenseless Jew. What they cannot tolerate is a Jew who can fight back.