I suggest you read 'A History of The Jews' by Abba Eban to get a clear picture of Jewish history and also see how the Palestinians came to be on that land. There has never actually been a nation called Palestine. You should read my article 'The Business of Terrorism And War" to understand we are the indigenous people of that land going back almost six thousand years and the Mufti of Jerusalem planned the annihilation of the European Jews with Hitler so that they did not lose control of the land. Please don't read Wikipedia for it will not tell you the true history of the last of Israel nor will it tell you how the conflict truly began. What you need to read are Jewish history books to find out how the land was stolen from the Jews and how they have given Palestinians away pieces of that land so they could have some peace but they Palestinians don't really want more land, they want all Jews dead and not just the ones in Israel. I suggest you do research on the Mufti of Jerusalem being visited by Hitler before WWII started ad see how they planned the final solutions for the European Jewry.