Member-only story
Gratitude Every Day
I haven’t published anything in a while and so with Thanksgiving upon us again, I want to give thanks for my blessings every day.
I’m not one big on religion or prayer but I try. It’s so difficult to be grateful when there are so many bad things still happening in the world, but I’m grateful anyway.
Today I woke up and I’m grateful for it and that every day is a chance to start anew. I wonder what to write about if nothing is inspiring me and then I realize simplicity is underrated.
Today I have heat and a warm bed and food in my fridge, and I’m grateful for the abundance. I have hot water and heat in my house, and I’m grateful. I’m grateful for my home, my bed, hot coffee in the morning and a loving dog. I’m grateful I have people who love me.
I’m grateful for the bad and the good. Cultivating gratitude hasn’t always been easy for me. I realize I waste too much time worrying about what I don’t have and not being grateful for the simple things. Will I ever learn that wanting things is easy but being grateful for the things you have takes practice.
I am grateful for the bad or there would be no lessons learned. I’m grateful for it all, the pain, the sorrow, the anguish that brought me to where I am today. As someone put it so well and I don’t know who’s quote it is, “I stopped waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel and lit that bitch myself”.
I’m grateful I don’t see myself as a victim anymore. I’m grateful that I now see myself as a warrior…