First of all, technically speaking, the Palestinians are white and by all accounts so are a majority of Arabic people. So, that argument can go right out the window. You're full of shit and I'm not going to bother to read any of your articles, the title alone lets me know your stupid ignorance as to the facts of who is and isn't considered white. Because Jews sure as hell weren't considered "white" in Nazi Germany. But let me give a little history/science lesson. Jews and Arabs are related and if you're trying to suggest that Jews are attempting to say that they have supremacy over the Palestinian Arabs which is what Palestinians are, you are barking up the wrong fucking tree. Get it through your thick non existent brain, that Israelis and Jews want to live in peace with their neighbors but no one ever fucking lets them because they deny any relation to the Jews, which is another moronic ideal since they are our fucking cousins and refuse to accept that. But in case you missed reading a book or two, Jews and Arabs basically are both Semites and have the same gene pool. Now put that in your hat and smoke it.