4 Things I Have Learned from My Mother
As much as many of us don’t like to admit it and even if we feel our parents screwed us up in many ways, there are positive lessons we have learned from them. My mother has worked for the same company for 40 years. She values stability and though it seems very old school to me, there are things she has taught me without even saying them.
Here are some things I have learned from her.
1. Always be on time
Being punctual has always been difficult for me. I have always had a hard time getting out of bed as soon as the alarm rings. That may be because I tend to self-sabotage. Even as a kid, getting out of bed for school was hard because I didn’t really want to go to school. I didn’t really want to be there, and it followed me into adulthood with jobs. As a result, I have been let go from more than one job for tardiness. Watching my mom who is now 69 years old and still goes to work every day and is usually one of the first people there, I have realized not to expect people to sit around and wait for me. Being punctual is showing respect for other people and their time and no matter how good you are at your job; you can be easily be replaced by the next person.
2. Tolerance
My mother has friends from all walks of life. She has a live and let live attitude about life. For instance, one of her best friends and she have different opinions on politics. But although they may argue over politics, she always reminds me that despite their differences her friend is overall a good person and when she needed her friend, she has always been there for her. She has taught me to see the good in people despite their politics or shortcomings.
3. Loyalty
This goes along with tolerance. I have seen my mother be there for her friends through thick and thin regardless of any differences or disagreements she may have had with her friends or coworkers. No matter different opinions on politics or arguments at work or with friends, she is there when people need her the most and people don’t forget that.
4. Kindness and Generosity
When my grandmother was alive, my mother used to drive my grandmother and her friends to the grocery store. She put up with all my grandmother’s friend’s neurosis and their annoying behaviors. But the fact that she helped them was never forgotten. I also once saw her give a woman in front of her at the grocery store a few cents the woman needed that she was short on. People never forget when you are kind with your time or your generosity even if it’s an hour our of your day or a few cents to help a stranger.